Add a range widget to controll the cosinus frequency
- Drag the Range widget (slider) from the Blocks palette to the right column on the canvas.
- Name the range "cosinus frequency"
- Click the button with "none" text to set the target variable
- Select the "Lissajous:cosinus_frequency variable in the pop-up window
- Set the maximum for the range to 2. Minimum can be left at 0, so that the frequency may range from 0 to 2.
Add range for cosinus shift
- Add similarly slider for the cosinus shift, bind it to Lissajous:cosinus_shift variable and set the limits to (0,2).
Add label for cosinus frequency, add label for sinus frequency
- Drag the "Label" widget from the "Blocks palette" to the left of the frequency slider.
- Select the new Label
- Name it "Cosinus frequency"
- Do the same for the shift slider and name the new Label "Cosinus shift"
- Check the result using the preview.
The project in the current stage may be downloaded here and the simulator is: